
Benefits Of Mutual Funds: Comprehensive Guide

Mutual funds have a bad rap for being overly complicated. In truth, though, their investment tenets are quite straightforward, and they provide numerous advantages to their clients. Mutual funds, in their simplest form, are a collection of investments made up of various securities stocks, bonds, money market instruments, etc. A mutual fund is the sum of its assets, and each separate collection is called a portfolio. 

Diversification –

Among the main benefits of investing in mirae asset large cap fund mutual is the ability to spread your money around. It’s the practice of dividing a certain sum of money among several different kinds of investments. With the help of diversification, they can construct a portfolio with a wide range of holdings, thereby protecting themselves from the negative effects of market forces on certain industries. 

  • For instance, stocks would make up 60-70% of an equity-oriented mutual fund, with bonds making up the remaining 30-40%. –

As was previously noted, diversification allows us to lower the overall risk of their holdings. This is useful when a certain mutual fund’s underlying holding is vulnerable to market downturns. By spreading your investments among a variety of asset types, you can reduce your exposure to any one category’s volatility. In this manner, if one component of your portfolio experiences turbulence, you won’t lose all of your investment.

Expert Administration –

The majority of potential investors just don’t have the time or means to devote themselves to learning about and buying particular stocks. Here is where the assistance of trained managers is invaluable. Several people put their money into mutual funds so that their portfolios can benefit from the professionals’ knowledge.

Gains from taxes –

Perhaps the biggest allure of many types of mutual funds is the tax advantages they offer. The government of India provides favourable tax treatment for mutual fund investments.

Investments in Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. If you invest up to Rs1.5 lakh in this instrument, you can reduce your taxable income by about Rs46,800 (using the highest tax bracket of 30% + 4% health and education cess excluding surcharge as applicable). The only catch is that the instrument has a 3-year lock-in term, during which time you won’t have access to the deposited money.

Very Flowable –

The liquidity of mutual funds makes it possible to liquidate holdings quickly in response to a financial emergency. You should expect to see the mirae asset mutual funds in your bank account within a few days of the liquidation. There are mutual funds that offer instantaneous pay-outs, too. Instant redemption funds are those that allow you to withdraw your money from an investment account on the same day you invest.

Improved Profitability (RoI) –

To outpace inflation and grow their wealth over time, all investors seek a higher return on investment (RoI) from their financial investments, mutual funds. Mutual funds’ diversification across industries and fields increases the likelihood of long-term profit.

Conclusion –

The Securities and Exchange Board of India is the governing body for the Indian mutual fund industry (SEBI). To put it another way, all mutual fund institutions must comply with the numerous regulations set forth by SEBI. Investors can feel easy knowing their money is safe under this arrangement. Moreover, SEBI requires all mutual funds to report their holdings each month.

Benefits Of Investing In Mutual Funds

Mutual fund investment can be quite fruitful, — particularly if you’re seeking a straightforward yet diversified method of investing. A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle that collects money from many participants and then invests it on their behalf in a variety of assets and investment alternatives. You get a particular number of securities in a mutual fund when you invest in it. Let’s look at some of the major advantages of hdfc mutual funds that make them the best option for investors: –

  1. LIQUIDITY– How readily an asset can be converted into cash is called its liquidity. Imagine having an emergency and needing money, but not having enough in your bank. Real estate cannot be sold or loans cannot be obtained immediately. However, you have the option to immediately withdraw your money from mutual funds. When you require quick access to cash, mutual fund investments are well known for being highly liquid assets.
  2. SPREAD YOUR INVESTMENT RISK– Purchasing shares in hdfc balanced advantage fund is a simple way to spread your investment risk across a variety of assets and securities, including gold, debt, and equity. By diversifying, one asset class’s risk is offset by the risk of the other asset classes. Other investments in the portfolio might not be affected and might even improve in value if the value of one investment falls. One of the most notable benefits of investing in mutual funds is risk diversification.
  3. EXPERT MANAGEMENT– The investors lack the time, expertise, and resources needed to conduct their research and buy specific stocks or bonds. Professional full-time money managers who have the knowledge, experience, and resources to actively buy, sell, and monitor investments are in charge of running a mutual fund. To achieve the goals of the plan, a fund manager regularly examines holdings and revamps the portfolio as necessary. One of the most significant benefits of a mutual fund is the portfolio management provided by qualified fund managers.
  4. ACCESSIBILITY AND SIMPLICITY– Mutual fund investing is considerably easier than stock market investing, which can be a complex process. You only need to walk into a bank or other financial institution to promptly have a mutual fund account set up for you. A mutual fund account can be opened from the convenience of your home. Using online accounts or even mobile applications, you can begin investing when your KYC documents have been validated.
  5. REDUCED COSTS– Many investors contribute money to a mutual fund, which is subsequently utilised to buy securities. The savings are transferred to the investors in the form of lower Mutual Fund investment expenses. Additionally, the price for Asset Management Services is reduced and split equally among all of the fund’s investors.

Over the past two to three decades, mutual funds have advanced significantly in India. Mutual funds are currently one of the most widely used financial products for regular investors. Mutual funds provide a broad range of investment options to suit most investment objectives and risk tolerances. 

Despite the advantages, mutual funds are exposed to market dangers, thus before making any investments, you should always thoroughly read the offer materials.

Everything You Need To Know About Futures And Options

Futures and options are two of the most important financial instruments that investors use to secure their portfolios. In a nutshell, these two derivatives allow investors to hedge their positions, but they can also be used as trading instruments. This article explains the basics of futures and options, including their features and their various associated strategies. By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of these instruments and how they can help you diversify and manage your portfolio.

What are Futures and Options?

Futures and options are derivative instruments, which means that their values are based on the values of other assets. Futures and options are contracts that give traders the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a certain asset at a predetermined price, for a specific period of time. A futures contract obligates the buyer to purchase the asset at the agreed upon price on a specific date, while an option gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the asset at the predetermined price.

The price of the futures or options contract is determined by the prevailing market conditions, such as supply and demand. If the price of the underlying asset rises, the price of the futures or options contract will also increase. On the other hand, if the price of the underlying asset falls, the price of the futures or options contract will decrease.

The Different Types of Futures and Options

Futures and options can be divided into two categories: exchange-traded products and over-the-counter (OTC) products. Exchange-traded products are traded on organized exchanges, such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and are regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). On the other hand, OTC products are traded directly between two parties and are not regulated by any regulatory body.

Examples of exchange-traded futures and options include stock index futures and stock options, commodity futures and options, currency futures and options, and interest rate futures and options. Some of the most popularly traded OTC products include currency forwards and options, as well as customized and exotic options.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Futures and Options

Futures and options provide investors with a wide range of benefits, such as hedging against price risks, diversifying portfolios, and profiting from price movements without having to own the underlying asset. However, these instruments come with their fair share of risks.

One of the main advantages of futures and options is their ability to reduce price risks. Hedging is a technique that involves taking an opposite position in the market, to offset potential losses from an existing position. In the case of futures, investors can hedge against price fluctuations in commodities and other assets by taking an opposite futures contract. The same can be done with options by purchasing an option that is the opposite of the position held.

The leverage associated with these instruments is another benefit. Futures and options are leveraged investments, which means that for a small amount of margin, you can control a larger amount of the underlying asset. This can help investors reduce the risk of losses and magnify potential returns.

On the downside, both futures and options require investor to accurately assess the direction of the markets in order to make money. With futures, the investor must predict the direction of the price movements of the underlying asset, as well as the timing of the move. With options, investors must also make accurate predictions but also determine the likelihood that the price of the underlying asset will move in their favour. If the investor is wrong, he/she may incur large losses.

Strategies for Trading Futures and Options

When it comes to trading futures and options, there are several popular strategies that are used. These strategies involve either taking an outright position in the market or using a combination of trades to create a hedged portfolio.

One of the most commonly used strategies is the buy-and-hold strategy. This strategy involves buying the underlying asset and holding it until the expiry of the futures or options contract. In the case of futures, this strategy involves buying the contract at a specific price and then making a profit when the underlying asset rises above it. With options, the investor has the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at the predetermined price.

Spread trading is another popular strategy in which the investor simultaneously buys and sells a combination of futures or options to create a hedged portfolio. By doing this, the investor can reduce risk and potentially make a profit from both rising and falling prices of the underlying asset.

Finally, investors can use technical analysis to trade futures and options. Technical analysis is a method of analyzing markets where the investor looks for patterns in price charts. The investor also looks for trends and tries to predict the direction of the price movements. The idea is to buy or sell options at a certain price and then make a profit when the price moves in the expected direction.


Futures and options are powerful tools that investors can use to hedge against and manage price risks, diversify their portfolios, and make profits. With a good understanding of the basics and the ability to use and calibrate different strategies, investors can take advantage of the many benefits associated with these instruments. Visit 5 paisa for best deals.

Sip Calculator

Investments are getting common in the present time and more and more people do invest in mutual funds and more. It is a good practice to do investment but what if you find it challenging to calculate your sip? Here a sip calculator can be really helpful for you.

A sip type of calculator is an online calculation tool that aids you in finding out the corpus that you can create through your sip investments. A sip calculator works simply using the below given inputs:

  • Sip amount
  • Investment regularity
  • Investment tenure
  • Expected rate of return
  • Input these four important aspects, and you get the estimated returns right away!

Perks of using a calculator for your sips 

There are many different benefits that you get when you use a sip type of calculator and a few of them are as under:

Accuracy is promised 

It is going to be absolutely accurate. Yes, you would get an accurate estimate of the corpus as there is barely any margin of error with sip type of calculators. It helps you to extrapolate data for a longer period while keeping the base returns somewhat the same.

Absolutely quick 

It is going to be absolutely quick for sure. Sip return calculators get you instant results. You don’t really need to wait to check the corpus calculation. Just hit or tap calculate, and you would get the answer in simply a split-second.

Free for your use 

It is going to be absolutely free. Sip type of calculators are completely free of cost for you. You don’t have to pay any rupee, and you can use it even an unlimited number of times. Similarly, the point is you would get to know exactly about what you want to know about your sip instalments and all. 

You can make decisions well 

It is going to help you in making investment decisions to achieve your financial aims.  Yes, when you plan for your overall goals and invest in sips, you need to check how much investment is going to be needed for creating the desired corpus. This is where sip calculators quite come in handy. By entering the exact sip amount, tenure, and expected returns, you can get an idea of the corpus you can actually accumulate over a specific period of time. In case the corpus seems inadequate, you can easily increase the sip amount andthe tenure. So, these calculators aid you make informed type of investment decisions.

You can compare easily 

Of course, the calculator is going to permit you to compare and select sip. By simply entering the past returns of diverse types of sip schemes, you can check the corpus that every single scheme would have formed up if you had invested in it. This type of corpus can then get compared across different schemes to find out which type of scheme performed the best. This way, you can select a scheme that gives the best returns and even maximise the profitability of your overall investment.


To sum up, it would not be wrong to state that calculator for sip is the best thing you can have for your investments!

Everything You Need To Know About Gold Stock Market

The stock market provides an avenue for everyday investors to make money and turn a profit.

The stock market is a complex system and requires a great deal of knowledge and understanding to be successful. Here, we will discuss the stock market basics, the different types of investments, the risks associated with investing, and strategies for success.

By the end of this guide, you should have a firm understanding of the stock market and you can also invest in a gold rate today and be equipped with the tools to make successful investments.

The stock market is a complex system involving the buying and selling of publicly traded company shares. The stock market can be intimidating for beginner investors. Still, with a proper understanding of the system and available resources, it can be a great way to turn a profit. To understand the stock market, it is important to understand some key terms such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Stocks are shares of ownership in a company and are bought and sold on the stock market. They represent a portion of the company’s value, and when the value increases, so does the value of the stock. Bonds are types of debt that are used to finance companies or governments. When you invest in a bond, you essentially lend money to the issuer, who will pay you back once the bond matures.

Mutual funds and ETFs are collective investments, meaning they are made of many different investments. Mutual funds are managed by a professional fund manager, while ETFs are passively managed, meaning they track an index such as the S&P 500.

Types of Stock Market Investments

Now that we have a basic understanding of key terms related to the stock market, let’s discuss the types of investments available. The most common type of investment is the “long-term” investment, meaning that you purchase a stock and hold it for a longer period of time. This type of investment is typically used for retirement savings and can provide a steady stream of income. Another type of investment is the “short-term” investment.

This is a highly speculative type of investment where you purchase a stock and then sell it quickly in order to turn a profit. This style of investing is often referred to as “day trading” and is not suitable for everyone due to the increased risk.

Other types of investments include value investing, dividend investing, and growth investing. Value investing involves buying stocks that are undervalued and then selling them when their value has increased. Dividend investing involves investing in stocks that pay consistent dividends to their shareholders. Finally, growth investing involves investing in companies that have a strong potential for growth.

Risks of Investing in the Stock Market

Investing in the stock market inherently carries a degree of risk. This risk can be impacted by the type of investment you make and the strategy you employ. It is important to understand that stocks are volatile, meaning that their value can change quickly and dramatically. This means that you could potentially lose money if the value of the stock decreases, even if you have held it for a long period of time.

Other risks include inflation risk, interest rate risk, and market risk. Inflation risk is the risk that the value of your investments will decrease due to inflation. Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of your investments will decrease due to changes in interest rates. Finally, market risk is the risk that the entire stock market could suffer losses due to economic or political events.

Strategies for Success

In order to be successful in the stock market, it is important to employ a sound strategy. One of the most popular strategies is the “buy-and-hold” strategy. This involves investing in stocks that have strong fundamentals and then holding them for a long period of time. Another strategy is the “value investing” strategy, where you purchase stocks that appear to be undervalued in the market. Finally, the “growth investing” strategy involves investing in stocks that have the potential for strong growth.

It is also important to diversify your investments in order to mitigate the risks associated with investing. Diversifying means having a variety of investments in different sectors, industries, and asset classes. For example, if you are investing in stocks, you should have some in technology, healthcare, and energy. Additionally, it is important to have some investments in bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs in order to diversify even further.


The stock market can be an intimidating and complex system, but with a basic understanding of how it works and the strategies that are available, it can be a great way to invest.

In this guide, we discussed the basics of the stock market, the different types of investments, the risks associated with investing, and strategies for success. With the knowledge gained from this guide, you should now have the tools necessary to succeed in the stock market.

Options Trading: An Overview Of All You Need To Know

Trading has long been a popular form of investment in the stock market. Carried out by both individuals and institutional investors, options trading comes in many different forms and can provide various investment opportunities. With so many options available, it can be difficult to fully understand the ins and outs of this type of investing. This article will explain everything you need to know about options trading in the stock market, from what options trading is to how to assess risk and make decisions.

Different Types of Options

There are two main types of options: puts and calls. A put option gives its purchaser the right to sell a security at the strike price before the option’s expiration date. In contrast, a call option gives its purchaser the right to buy a security at the strike price before the option’s expiration date. Both options have different features, such as strike prices, expiration dates, and margin requirements.

The strike price of an option is the agreed-upon price at which the option can be exercised. The expiration date is when the option expires, at which point the buyer or seller will no longer have the rights associated with the option. There will also be a margin requirement with some options, which requires the buyer to put down an initial deposit taken out of the proceeds when the option is sold.

Exploring Strike Prices and Expirations

An option’s strike price and expiration date are important considerations when trading options. The strike price is the price at which the option can be exercised, and the expiration date is the period at which the option expires. It is important to know when to buy or sell the option so that the buyer or seller can take advantage of the options that meet their investment objectives.

When considering an option’s strike price, there are two main types of strike prices. The first is the initial strike price, which is the agreed-upon price of the option at the time of purchase. The second is the current market price, which represents the current price of the underlying security. It is important to note that the current market price does not necessarily need to be the same as the initial strike price when the option is exercised.

The expiration date of an option is important to consider as well. It is the date at which the option will expire, and it is important to know when this is so that you can take advantage of it before expiration. With some options, it is possible to extend the expiration date, but this typically results in a higher fee for the option being extended.

Setting Up Your Portfolio

Once you understand strike prices and expiration dates, setting up a portfolio is next. When setting up a portfolio, it is important to understand the types of options that are available, as well as the amount of risk associated with each type. It is also important to determine your risk profile, as this will help you decide which options to trade.

When setting up a portfolio, you can use various strategies to build a portfolio that meets your investment objectives. These strategies can involve buying options on stocks, indexes, and other assets and selling options to generate income and reduce risk. It is important to utilize a combination of strategies to take advantage of different market conditions and meet your investment objectives.


Options trading in the stock market can be a beneficial but complex activity. It is important to ensure that you have a full understanding of what an option is and how to assess risk properly before investing. By familiarizing yourself with options trading, you can be better prepared to identify potential investment opportunities that adhere to your risk profile. With the right knowledge and research given by 5paisa, you can successfully make the most out of your options trading experience.

How Is Having A Demat Account Beneficial?

Dematerialized account, or as we all generally term it, a Demat account is like an account where one can safely keep their securities and shares that have been traded by them but through an electronic medium. When one purchases shares of a definite company or invests in further securities, they change to electronic assets and these assets are stored safely in his portfolio until he decides to trade them. The Demat account leads to easy trading and investment. 

• Before the world was introduced to the concept of the demat account, the trading of shares was made through paper works, and the traded shares existed in the form of papers. The person trading shares of a definite company had to maintain a dozen papers. Now paper being a degradable substance couldn’t survive for a long time hence is at risk of tampering, and safekeeping dozens of papers increased the vulnerability of theft or loss. Demat accounts help in the trading of shares online, without any hustle. It’s completely online, and one can store his documents and shares electronically in a virtual depository. 

• When you have a Demat account, it can help you in making immediate and easy trading of shares through digital gadgets, which save a huge amount of your time. 

• While trading a deal with various kinds and several numbers of physical documents. You can’t carry your papers and shares everywhere with you, but you have access to your Demat account irrespective of the place and time even through a smartphone. 

• It keeps a track of your past as well as present transactions of shares, lessening your hustle, and easing the trading process for you. 

• When you have a Demat account, it will help you in keeping a watch on your financial statement. 

• The digit of physical documents can be countless, and keeping them safe is another hectic job. The danger of forgery is very high in offline trading. The Demat account here benefits you in online trading with zero physical documents. 

• It not only functions as a security deposit for your saving. You can avail different kinds of bank loans by the securities that have been stored in your Demat account by you. During the procedure of availing of a loan, the securities can be undertaken as collateral.

• When you have a Demat account, it opens a lot of options for you to save in. Saving in various ways is possible here. 

• Dispensation from TDS has been granted by the CBDT, i.e., the Central Board of Direct Taxes, when a person pays directly through his Demat account and no TDS would get deducted from the interest one receives on their securities. But when he is creating a Demat account, it is important to save their securities in Demat mode and list them on the NSE and BSE.

Trading and investing in offline mode will eat up our time in this era where even 24 hours isn’t enough for us to cope with our workloads. Hence, when we are receiving the same value with lots of more facilities through the online mode, why not avail it? Investment through trading, that too at your fingertips! Hence, opening the demat account with market players like 5paisa is surely a beneficial decision.

A Quick Guide to PPF Calculator

When you invest money somewhere, you want to see how much gain you get overtime right? Well, what if you can calculate it in advance so as to make r right decision?  Well, ppf (public provident fund) is a long-term type of investment option that offers you a fixed rate of interest and even returns on the sum you invest.  The coolest thing is you can use a ppf calculator and ensure that you have a good idea about how much you would get.

You know this is one investment type that offers you a safe investment option to save taxes and even earn guaranteed returns. A ppf type of calculator lets you calculate the maturity amount on the basis of the sum invested.

What really is ppf?

The goal of the ppf, which was first implemented in the country in the year 1968, was to mobilize tiny contributions for investment and return. It can even be referred to as an investment vehicle that simply enables you to accumulate retirement funds at the same time reducing yearly taxes. A ppf account should be opened by anybody who is looking for a secure investment alternative to diminish taxes and earn assured profits.

It would not be wrong to say that ppf is one of the finest and popular investing options for the ones with a limited tolerance for risk. Ppf is a government-sponsored type of scheme and the investment is somewhat unrelated to the market. As a result, it offers you guaranteed returns to meet your needs for safe investments. Ppf accounts diversify an investor’s portfolio because their returns are somewhat fixed. They even offer advantages for tax savings. Of course, you can be sure that you get the returns you aspired for with ppf.

Using a calculator for ppf 

Well, a ppf type of calculator helps users like you plan your financial goals by giving you an estimate of returns based on the sum you invest and the duration. The calculator makes use of a 15-year tenure and the overall prevailing interest rate to compute the general returns as a standard procedure.

Withdraw of ppf amount 

Well, you can entirely withdraw from a ppf account only upon maturity or even after 15 years of running the account. After 15 years, an account holder may withdraw the complete balance in the ppf account, including the interest earned, and even the account can be terminated. However, in case ppf holders need money for any emergency, the scheme allows the partial type of withdrawals beginning in the seventh year or after the account has finished six years.

The Calculator Makes Things Easier 

If you are a layperson and you know nothing about how to do calculations of your ppf and all then relax. The ppf oriented calculator is there to help you make the right move. It ensures that you have a proper understanding of all the interests and everything that you may get over the period of time. Hence, you can make proper moves. 


To sum up, why stay doubtful about your interests and other things when you can use a calculator to ensure you know what exactly you are doing? Of course, a calculator for ppf is going to be really helpful for you in decision-making

Top 3 Reasons Of Investing In Stocks

Despite the skyrocketing popularity associated with the stocks; several people are still hesitant about investing in them. It is very much important for people to note down that this is the perfect opportunity for the diversification of their portfolio beyond the fixed deposit as well as gold and mutual funds. This particular option will be definitely helpful in providing people with significant returns in the long run which is the main reason that investing in stocks will be very much successful in maximising the investments. Following is some of the basic benefits of investing in stocks after the analysis of the cdsl share price:

  1. Better and long-term returns: Introduction of the investments in the world of the stock market will be definitely helpful in providing people with a good understanding of things and the further best part is that this particular system will be helpful in providing people with analysis of the historical returns. In this particular system, people will be able to enjoy the best possible returns in the long run and the further best part is that positive results will be there if enough time has been given to the investment in this particular area.
  2. Dividend income: The dividend which has to be distributed by the company as a part of the profit will be the best possible source of income for the shareholders and the further best part is that majority of the companies will be helpful in providing people with share into the profit in the form of a dividend. Dividends received from the ownership of stocks will be definitely helpful in providing people with a good number of benefits and the further best part is that volatility in the stock prices will be significantly dealt with without any kind of problem. The consistent and growing market in this particular area will be a clear-cut indicator of the stability of the business both in terms of growth and earnings. Hence, augmenting the portfolio values in this particular case will be definitely done without any kind of problem in the whole process.
  3. Diversification benefits: The stock market very well provide people with easy access to multiple financial instruments in the form of mutual funds, derivatives, shares, bonds and other associated things so that people will be able to make the best investments as per the analysis of risk appetite and financial goals. Investment in this particular area will be helpful in reducing the portfolio concentration and the further best part is that flexibility will be sorted out very easily. Very well-diversified portfolio will be helpful in building wealth and further make sure that people will be able to deal with the stocks very successfully throughout the process. In this particular case, people will be definitely able to give a great boost to the liquidity factor without any kind of problem.

In addition to the above-mentioned points, people will be definitely able to enjoy the element of transparency with companies like 5paisa so that investment decisions are very much effectively made with proper analysis of risk management.

What Are The Major Benefits Of Using The Option Of A Ppf Calculator?

Focusing on financial planning in the life of individuals is definitely important even more than earning money. Introduction of tools like the PPF calculator in this particular case is definitely advisable for people so that everyone will be able to make the right decision that ultimately will be able to enjoy the guarantee of returns. Having a good understanding of the online tools in this particular area is a great approach because it will be helpful in resolving the queries related to the calculation of returns and also help in making sure that people become clear about the interest earnings from the public provident fund investments. Whenever people will be using the option ppf calculator then definitely they will be having access to accurate insights into the industry so that things are sorted out very easily and there is no chance of any kind of problem.

Some of the basic benefits of using the PPF calculator have been very well explained as follows:

  1. A clear picture of the growth: Whenever the concerned people will be using the option of the PPF calculator, the interest income will be significantly increased and the best part is that everybody will be getting a clear picture of the growth without any kind of problem. This particular option very well helps in making sure that everybody will be at the forefront in terms of making accurate decisions without any doubt.
  2. Figuring out things very easily: If people will be using the option of a PPF calculator then definitely they will be able to figure out the amount of investment in the whole process, annually monthly and weekly without any kind of doubt so that they will be able to reach the target corpus with proper planning.
  3. Very easy to use: The option of PPF calculator is very easy to be used without any kind of doubt and the best part is that everybody will be able to get the additional systems in the whole process without any kind of problem. Whenever people will be using the option of a PPF calculator then the element of manual calculation will be significantly eliminated which will be helpful in providing people with a good number of benefits in the long run. Since this particular option is automatic the risk of error will be the bare minimum throughout the process.
  4. Graphical results: Using the option of a PPF calculator is a great idea for people because it will be helpful in providing the representation of the results graphically which will be making sure that things are easy to be understood without any kind of doubt.
  5. Investment planning: Planning the financial goals will become very much easy in this particular case so that people will be able to enjoy the best possible rate of return without any kind of problem. Another very important advantage of getting things done is that everybody will be getting a clear-cut idea of the expected returns without any kind of issues.

Hence, using the option of a PPF calculator from 5paisa is definitely a great idea so that people will be able to enjoy the power of compounding through PPF along with accurate insights at every step.